Saturday, June 21, 2008

Post Guide

To make things more clear, I've decided that posts will be labeled according to content. That way it will be immediately clear how impartial a post will be.

If the post is about both sides of an issue, the post will start with "Issue:" These posts should be as impartial as possible.

If the post is somewhat nonpartisan, but contains general opinions, the post will be labeled, "View:"

If the post is a scorching piece of political persuasion, the post will start with, "Opinion:"

I'm hoping this will keep things clear. If only the media would adopt such labeling.

Friday, June 20, 2008

ECHO, Echo, echo...

It seems strange to be writing on this blog since it will probably be read by one person, a person that I actually speak to every day. But here we are.

I know that most people don't like politics like I do. But some people would like to get a feel for the issues without needing to spend hours a day reading news stories and editorials (pretty much the same thing at this point). I don't pretend to be an expert and I am anything but impartial. But I do feel like I have a pretty good feel for the different side of the issues in this election and I enjoy reading opinions from both sides.

I will try not to persuade too much in this blog, but to inform. There is no way to be completely impartial. My views will probably show, but I will try to give both sides. If anyone but my wife ends up reading this, maybe we can get some debate going in the comments. We could even get one of my lefty friends to contribute some posts.

Probably not, but a guy can dream.